After brunch, we looked a bit around the hotel, but since it was sprinkling, we decided to duck into the Duty Free Galleria. We found out that even though we don't qualify for the rock-bottom duty free prices since we don't have an international ticket out of Honolulu, items are still tax-free! The Duty Free Galleria was like an IKEA store: once you walk in, you can't get out until you've traversed all around every floor. Even though things were tax-free, it was still full price, and I didn't find anything that I had to have and didn't mind paying full price on. Megan, on the other hand, found this really cute Kate Spade wristlet-style purse with a chain strap. Unfortunately, it was the only one left; Sheri wanted to rip the purse from Megan's clutches. After we reasoned out why it was worth buying (she had to return the Coach wristlet that was bought the day before), and checked prices online using our iPhones, she made the purchase. Then magically, the exit appeared. Seriously. I wonder if the exits are invisible until a purchase is made.
We continued window shopping while heading back to the hotel. I had to go back to Honolulu Cookie Company and get some samples, but this time, I bought. I was just waiting until the last day to ensure an extra day of freshness!

We head back to the hotel and there is a huge group of elderly Japanese women waiting for the elevator, looking like they just checked in. We all pack on and they're speaking animatedly in Japanese and happy to see each other. They are wearing name badges from some "MSC" company. Megan compliments one of the women on how great her skin looked. They all get excited and tell us they're in a skin care club and here for a convention. Some women took our hands and told us to touch their faces, how smooth the skin was, and that it was all natural, no makeup! It was rather soft, bright, and very supple. One of the women said she was 79 years old but you couldn't even tell, her skin was that good. They got so caught up in telling us what to do with our skin in broken English and gestures that a couple of the women forgot to get off at their floor, haha. We reach our floor and get off with some of the women. The ones who missed their floor waited for the down elevator, and the other two remaining happened to have the room next to us. They were so cute, trying to tell us about the MSC (I forgot what M stood for, but SC was Skincare Club) but we couldn't get a good conversation going from the language barrier. We help them get into their room and then we went into ours to freshen up for our last night on the town. I hear some music outside and look down, and there's a wedding going on. It was practically over in five minutes: "Do you?" "I do." "Do you?" "I do." "I pronounce you man and wife." Did the hotel charge by the minute?

Tonight, we decided to finally hit the indoor shooting range and a nightclub. All dressed up, we hit the streets, looking for the guy who was handing out flyers to the gun club for a discount. He offered to walk us all the way to the gun club, and we said "No thanks." Then when we got closer, another guy was handing out the same flyer and offered to take us. This time, we agreed. He took us down this quiet alley and Megan was getting a bit nervous. I wasn't really that concerned, as I knew we were heading in the right direction. We see a huge sign for "Hawaii Gun Club" in front of this narrow building, entered through the door after getting buzzed in, and walk up the stairs to the gun club. We purchase the cheapest package containing a rifle, semi-automatic gun, and a revolver, all 22 caliber. We also had to purchase a target. You'd think it'd be included, but nope. They only had one copy of a "person", so Sheri got that one; she had never fired a gun before. Megan and I went with the bullseye target. We enter the firing range and there were already two Japanese men firing guns. The instructor, Ken, was all happy to see us, and mentioned that he hardly see women come to the range. Especially women all dressed up! He gave us instructions to read and ear protection. One of the guns the Japanese men were firing was so loud, I almost jumped out of my skin, even though I had the headphones on. I felt it in my chest. I can only imagine what it's like out there in a war zone. Ken gave us capes to wear to protect our bare shoulders from hot casings bouncing out of the gun. He also gave us an empty revolver and told us to practice while he was busy with the Japanese men.

Megan went first. She shot the rifle. Then she asked Ken if she could move the target farther. Ken was baffled at the request, but then figured out that we weren't exactly novices. He then asked Megan if she wanted a bigger gun, and she heartily agreed! It was a semi-automatic gun that was really loud. Apparently the rounds were left over from a previous patron, and Ken didn't mind if Megan shot it. Then finally the third gun, he gave her another big revolver. Megan did a great job; most of the shots were near the bullseye.
Then came Sheri's turn. She was a bit apprehensive about firing a gun as she had never held or shot one before. But after the first few rounds of rifle shooting, she proclaimed, "This is fun!" Though somehow she ended up hitting the metal bar holding the target, which spun it around, hehe. She opted not to try the bigger guns. At one point, her semi-automatic was not firing, and Ken had to reload it many times. The 22 caliber revolver worked fine at least. Sheri left feeling strong and powerful, yay!

It was my turn, and I hadn't shot a rifle before. I saw that there was not much recoil, but it was probably because the rifle was only 22 caliber. Ken asked if I wanted a bigger gun. Of course! Then I got the revolver. It was over too quickly. But it was fun. I didn't want to spend too much money, though I was tempted to try the top-of-the-line package that included an AK-47. Maybe another day, when I am not dressed in high heels. It was nice of Ken to offer us different guns than what we paid for, and he even gave Sheri many extra rounds when her gun was sticking. I'm sure being hot Asian chicks helped. ;) When we were all done, we asked Ken where to find "Zanzabar" nightclub and he told us the general direction. Then he wrote down his phone number on the map, gave it to me and said to call and he'd come with his friends. So sweet, hehe. After we left the building, Megan and Sheri were giving me a hard time. I told them that I just happened to be the closest to him, so that's why he gave me the phone number. :P

We get to Zanzabar a bit too early, around 9pm. We were starving since we hadn't eaten since the huge pig-out at brunch, so we head across the street to get a snack at the L&L Hawaiian Barbecue and hung out there until 10pm. We went back and Megan talked the bouncer into giving us discount coupons to enter, reducing the cover charge to $5 per person. It was pretty dead when we got in, since it was a Sunday night. At least the drinks were pretty cheap. Megan and Sheri were on the dance floor while I sat at a table watching the purses and nursing a Bud Light. In the next hour, more people start to show up. This one guy came up to me and asked me to dance and I declined. There was a guard/bouncer standing near me, and I overheard him talking to another guy, saying "Yeah, she scared one guy away already." I wonder if he was referring to me? Sheri came back from the dance floor, so I got a chance to dance a bit with Megan and also took a bio break. I eventually returned to the table and let Sheri dance a bit. It was hilarious at this point because I saw a guy that looked like Vanilla Ice bounce around the dance floor. I wanted to tell him that the 80's were over.

A little while later, this guy came up and told me he checked me out while I was walking to the bathroom and wondered if I would dance with him. I kindly told him no, that I was watching over "my girls", but that he seemed like a nice guy. He responded, "What, you can read palms?" and I said "Actually, yes I can!" He was nice enough not to bother me again. Then this cute guy sidles up to me a bit later and screams over the loud music, "I had to come here and tell you that you are very beautiful!" Wow, that's quite to the point, never had that happen before. He didn't ask me to dance at all. I tell him that he was very kind. Eventually we get into a conversation, and he takes a seat next to me. (note, the purses remain in between us) I find out he's from Ireland and that he was on a 6-month trip making his way from the East Coast to the West Coast and he has 2 weeks left before he goes back and has to work off his trip debt. He showed me pictures on his camera from places he'd been. I offered to take a picture of him at the nightclub and also suggested he take a self-portrait of us. He said, "At least I will have a reminder of when I met this beautiful lady from Sacramento." What a charmer. I didn't mind his company, as that would keep other men away, and he just wanted conversation. Sheri came back from the dance floor, so I introduced him and told him he should go dance. He said, "No, I don't dance." I guess either he was really just looking for company, since he didn't want to dance with Sheri, or he was trying to work me. Eventually he disappears for a bio break. At this point, Sheri and Megan are back from dancing, albeit a bit drunk, and a group of guys start homing in. They were trying to get us to go to their condo, apparently it's the bomb. I'm graciously declining. They brag about how much money they made last year and they were out celebrating because of it. One of the guys says, "I know I'm totally out of your league, but will you just make out with me?" Total desperation. I told him, "My lips belong to someone else." It doesn't faze him; he keeps asking me to make out with him. At least he's not trying to touch me. Eventually I had enough and said, "We got a flight to catch tomorrow, we're taking off." So we left. It was 2am by now. I was hoping that we'd would wake up in time so that we wouldn't miss our shuttle pick-up!
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